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Parasites: Everything You Need to Know

In his book, When All Hell Breaks Loose, (see Reading List), author Cody Lundun says

"The very nature of a parasite's lifecycle revolves around the concept of it being dependent upon external circumstances to live. Some parasites are more adaptable than others and when their host dies, the drop off, migrate, search, or simply wait until another host appears. Although they are parasitic, they retain some semblance of the will to live and expend a certain amount of energy to feed once again. The organisms are called parasites. Other parasites, when their host dies, they die too. These organisms are called true parasites for they can't survive without their host.

"We can't help but be parasitic to a certain extent. However, for survival purposes, the old adage "don't put all of your eggs in one basket" still rings true. Strive to become more conscious about who your hosts are and gently work for greater freedom."

Some may recoil at the idea that we are all parasites; others may find the idea preposterous and not even finish this article because of their contempt. We have been surrounded by working systems for so long that for the most part we no longer think about who our hosts are and largely have abandoned the idea that we are parasitic in nature.

The object of studying and working toward self-reliance is to identify who our hosts are and work to gradually reduce or eliminate our parasitic relationship. The challenge of this blog it to have you think seriously about who or what your "hosts" are. You cannot remove yourself from a parasitic relationship with a host if you are not aware of the host. So, let me share just a few ideas about some hosts as a seed exercise for your host list.

Consider the following as potential "hosts" in your life:

  • Grocery store and it supply line

  • Electric company

  • Natural gas company

  • Gasoline retailer and its supply line

I invite you to consider this starting list, then make your own list. Identify all the hosts that you depend on. For each host, decide whether your relationship with that host is one of a parasite or a true parasite, i.e. what happens to you if the host dies. Then start to identify actions you could take to reduce or eliminate your parasitic dependency. We are all parasitic to a certain extent. But if we cannot recognize that relationship and gradually work to reduce our dependency then we may find ourselves as a true parasite with all which that designation portends. It doesn't end well.

If you really want to be humbled on this topic, think about the parasitic relationships that existed for your ancestors in the last half of the 19th century. Try to create a list of their hosts and compare it with the list of your hosts. I think you will be startled.

If you find this activity a waste of time, then you really are not interested in self-reliance. You are a true parasite and one that doesn't even recognize your parasitic relationship. Your only hope is that none of your hosts die.

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